
AIQ3Dstudio Documentation

User Account

About AIQ3DStudio accounts
Latest Update: 2022-07-29
AIQ3DStudio accounts allow the use of the platform for creating and sharing 3D content both with website visitors and with external environments with three account types
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New account
Latest Update: 2022-08-02
Registration is done from the "Sign Up" window by filling in the email address, password and accepting the site's terms and conditions. After confirmation, a new Free account will be assign to you, that you can connect to in order to create 3D scenes, comment or appreciate scenes.
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Accessing account settings
Latest Update: 2022-08-02
The user account data can be accessed from the user menu at the top of the site or from the header of the user account pages. This will open a form where user data and account settings can be changed.
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User identification data
Latest Update: 2022-08-02
User identification data represents the username, email address, nickname, first name, last name and password. This datas are used by you when connecting to your account and some of the datas are displayed on your account page.
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3D skills and software
Latest Update: 2022-08-02
3D Skills can be selected from a predefined list compatible with the fields of interest of the AIQ 3D Studio users. This list shows the most popular 3D modeling and rendering software, image processing software, APIs and programing languages.
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Create New 3D Scene
Latest Update: 2022-08-02
A new, empty scene will be displayed as a presentation box on the county page and the category page. It will be available for viewing by any visitor to the site, but in the case of premium accounts the scene may be private.
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New Scene Created
Latest Update: 2022-08-02
A new, empty scene will be displayed as a presentation box on the user page and the selected categories. It will be available for viewing by any visitor to the site, but in the case of premium accounts the scene may be private.
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User's scenes list
Latest Update: 2022-08-03
The user's scenes are listed in the account in the Scenes section. From here scenes can be edited, populated with 3D content or deleted. These options are available directly from the scene box or from the scene presentation page.
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Scene Presentation Page
Latest Update: 2022-10-12
You can view here the scene's name, the 3D content rendered in real-time, views and appreciations, information about the author's profile, associated tags, comments and a list with scenes from the same category.
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Embed 3D Scenes
Latest Update: 2022-10-12
Considering the user's account privileges, scenes can be embedded into external web pages. For this, an embed link or an iframe code will be provided. The embed link and iframe code are automatically generated depending on the player customization and the selected 3D assembly.
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Scene Settings
Latest Update: 2022-08-02
The name of the scene consists of plain text and it is not recommended to use special special characters. The scene description appears on the presentation page of the 3D scene. The tags contribute to the search results on the site.
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User's Geometries List
Latest Update: 2022-08-03
All geometries created by the user are listed in a paginated table in the Geometries section of the user's account. This list has an informative role so that the User has an overview of the created geometries.
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User's Materials List
Latest Update: 2022-08-03
All materials created by the user are listed in a paginated table in the Materials section of the user's account. This list has an informative role for the User to have an overview of the created materials and their textures.
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User's 3D Content Limits
Latest Update: 2022-08-03
In addition to Scenes, Geometries and Material, the available properties regarding 3D content limits are displayed in the user's account depending on the type of account.
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Access Scene 3D Content
Latest Update: 2022-07-11
After login you can access the 3D scene that will be in edit mode. A menu with the main functions for editing 3D content will be available at the top of the screen.
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3D Modeling web application

Create and edit geometries
You can import edit and export .obj files.
Special feauters for premium account
Open 3D Modeling App Upgrade to premium